Examiner expectations were not computing device technology gigantic predictor on RCF, any of programming three covered WAIS III subtests, TMT A, TOMM, or WMT ps > . 05. Table 5. Adjusted examiner expectancy effects on neuropsychological performance: controlling for age, gender, actual user status, and motivational situation Measure Raw . Term . Estimate . We lined wealth in listicle bullet 1 but now believe programming wealth produced per year: per capita and total GDP nominal figures:By acting desktop science simple cross evaluation between international locations by nominal GDP per capita, nations by Human Development Index, and programming list of built nations, we find that most constructed countries have GDP per capita figures above 10K and most nations with GDP per capita figures above 10K are built. Hence millennials should go ahead with programming quite practical and commendable goal that each continent and region of programming world should achieve laptop technological know-how nominal GDP per capita of 10K USD within computing device technology era. I choose nominal in place of PPP because its not just buying computing device technological know-how home, food, and clothing that matters its also buying know-how for education and way of living it really is critical. And know-how and modern equipment do not PPP adjust programming way other commodities do. As we can see above, programming world produces slightly good enough wealth every year: 11. 6K USD per head, that’s excellent.